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Life is the journey to discover yourself.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Swimming this weekend

Sure feels good when a plan comes together. I would agree that what I am about to relate is not a big deal at all. Many would classify it as mundane, boring or life as usual. However, the little things that happened to me this weekend got me excited and made me happy and confident.
Just to give a background, I am a married woman and a mother of two kids. Every Saturday, I take my kids to swim classes around noon. On Sundays, early in the morning, I go to my swim class, leaving the kids at home with their Dad. Last week, I found out that I could swim during my kids lessons, just for two more dollars. I went for it. This way I could get more time to practice my swimming. My kids have swim lessons that are half an hour long but are 15 mins apart. Last week my husband went with us and helped out. This weekend he had to leave on a business trip early Saturday morning. I wondered how I could swim this weekend. The easy route would be to say "Skip this weekend." But I am never satisfied with the easy routes.
I planned out every little detail and hoped that everything will work out. On Saturday, I had everyone in their swimsuits and wore our clothes on top so it would take less time to change at the swimming pool. I thought it out all in my head but realized that the kids will have no idea and hence might not cooperate. The plan was so finely tuned that any delay or noncooperation could lead to it's total failure( at least in my mind). So before we left I distinctly remember how I related the sequence of events that should happen in chronological order, to both my kids. The carrot was the playdate we needed to go to right afterwards. I mentioned that if they did not cooperate we could not go to the playdate on time or maybe not at all. After Saturday's success, I had more courage for Sunday. The babysitting room opened right at the same time my swim class began. It took time to drop them off so I got late for the class. But I actually learned couple of very important things at the swim class so it was definitely worth going to.
The best part was that both my kids enjoyed the baby sitting room at the REC and made new friends there. My elder son actually helped a 8 month old baby laugh and feel better when her mommy had to leave her. They want to visit the babysitting room again. The net of it was, all three of us enjoyed the Sunday morning a lot!

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