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Life is the journey to discover yourself.

Friday, January 1, 2010


At the very moment we are born, one thing is decided for certain, our imminent death. However, we do not always know when exactly it will hit us. Life is given to us so that we can lose it, eventually. It is more like a ticket to a joy ride for a pre-determined time. When we get the ticket, the time on it is not apparent to us. It is not printed in bold red letters. Neither does it sound a warning from time to time to remind us how much time is left on our ticket. It can literally expire at the next moment. Sometimes, the ride is long enough that we forget everything else beyond it's small world. We start associating with the things around us and brand them as our own. But we cannot take it with us when we leave the ride, just like "our" nice comfortable seat, which is really part of the ride. This actually gives us a clue on how we can walk our path of life. But does it really matter whether we are aware of the nature of the ride when we are in the midst of it ? Hmm...unless it was not human nature to get curious about everything.

1 comment:

Mithi said...

But does it really matter whether we are aware of the nature of the ride when we are in the midst of it ?...I think it does. With this realization, we can live every moment to its fullest. Otherwise, it will be another passing moment...